lichtklangphonogramm,  projecting phonoscope, Matteo Marangoni, Anne Wellmer


an exhibition of historical and re-invented optical and mechanical sound machines from the era of the wax cylinder phonograph

by Melissa Cruz Garcia, Aleksander Kolkowski, Matteo Marangoni and Anne Wellmer

from march 14th until may 25th 2013

Ethnologisches Museum

Lansstrasse 8, Dahlem, Berlin

Finissage performance: 26/5/2013, 16-17h



How to visualize sound and music in the context of the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv?

"Lichtklangphonogramm" is an exhibition of historical and re-invented optical and mechanical sound machines from the era of the wax cylinder phonograph which embarks upon a travel through time from the moment when the first sound recording machines were invented in combination to the archeology of moving images of the 19th century and backwards.

Listening stations, projecting phonoscopes, episcopes, mutoscopes, mechanoscopes among others are self-made machines exhibited in order to create a landscape of light and sound relating to cultural anthropology and heritage.

lichtklangphonogramm, Mutoscope, Melissa Garcia Cruz

Lichtklangphonogramm, Hornbostel's Heterophony,   Aleksander Kolkowski, Matteo Marangoni, Anne Wellmer


lichtklangphonogramm, Melissa Garcia Cruz, Aleksander Kolkowski, Matteo Marangoni, Anne Wellmer


With special thanks to:

Elke Moltrecht, X-Tract-Production, Berlin
Marcus Riedel & Zolle, Lighting and Technical Assistance, Berlin
Verena Hohn, Andreas Richter, Albrecht Wiedmann, Phonogramm Archiv, Berlin
Erich Nixel, Annette Begerow, Berlin
Duncan Miller, Vulcan Records, Sheffield
Erfan Abdi, Production Assistance, Den Haag
Ed Jansen, Photography, Den Haag
Andrea Ortiz Diaz, Production Assistance, Bogota

Science Museum Workshops, London
Toverlantaarn Museum, Den Haag
Museum Speelklok, Utrecht


Melissa Cruz Garcia
Aleks Kolkowski
Matteo Marangoni
Anne Wellmer